New York City Global Game Changer Awards
Ellyn Shook, Accenture, received the Scaling Award for her leadership at Accenture in setting a 50/50 gender balance objective for 2025, increasing new women hires, and promoting diversity and inclusion and pay equity.
Kathleen O’Dell
Kathleen O’Dell, Deloitte Consulting, received the Emerging Leadership Award for advancing opportunities for women in the energy and environmental sectors globally by establishing Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership chapters in Bangladesh, Jamaica, Jordan, and East Africa.
Seema Patel
Seema Patel, USAID, received the Innovation Award for the Grand Challenges for Development Program which invests in child and maternal health, primary education, off-grid energy for agriculture and households, and access to water for women around the world.

the Talk
Raven and Paul Lacerte
Moose Hide Campaign, BC, Canada
Raven and Paul Lacerte received the Walking the Talk Award for their ground-breaking programs to end gender-based violence against Aboriginal women and children through the Moose Hide Campaign.
Santa Fe, New Mexico Global Game Changer Awards

Zubaida Bai
Zubaida Bai received the Innovation Award for founding AYZH which provides maternal health products for rural women worldwide, including neonatal care and clean birth kits.

the Talk
Dr. Tukiya K. Mabula
Bank of Zambia
Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula received the Walking the Talk Award for her key role in facilitating gender equity and financial inclusion at the Bank of Zambia and in the Zambian financial sector, and her active role in drafting the Gender Strategy for Zambia.

Sarah Degnan Kambou and ICRW
Sarah Degnan Kambou, President of the International Committee for Research on Women (ICRW,) received the Scaling Award for expanding ICRW’s programs to eliminate child marriage and increase girls’ skills attainment and employability.

Gulika Reddy
Gulika Reddy received the Emerging Leader Award for her work as founder of Schools of Equality addressing gender equity issues in South India as well as her work on gender-based violence cases and with the National Law School of India University’s Centre for Children and the Law.